2015 Portrait Exhibition
William Shatner is best known for his role as Captain James T Kirk on the Starship Enterprise. I’ve had the honour and pleasure of having him in front of my lens on two occasions. In total my time spent photographing him has equated to 15 minutes. 15 minutes with Bill.
Actress Natalie Dormer, star of Game of Thrones, The Hunger Games and The Tudors. Sat for a portrait at the London Studio several weeks ago. I wrote to Natalie inviting her to sit for my Expressive Portraits Project just over a year ago; it just goes to show how many letters and requests she receives. Natalie is exceptionally talented with an incredible natural beauty.
April saw me spending three weeks back over the pond in Los Angeles, leading me to dub the city my second home. This avenue of photography has really taken off for my business. Back in 2014 it accounted for barely 2% of my work load. Now, in 2016, 15% of my assignments take place in the City of Angels.
Actor Julian Bleach accepted my invitation to sit for a Portrait at the London Studio. Julian is best known as co-creator and “MC” of Shockheaded Peter, a musical entertainment based on the works of Heinrich Hoffmann, which won the 2002 Olivier Award for Best Entertainment.
Thank you to Terry Hope at Photo Professional Magazine, interviewing me about my Expressive Exhibition which opens on 29th October 2015 at Calumet Photographic in London. The article features my portrait of Actor Sir Ian McKellen captured in London. The portrait among over 30 others will hang until 31st November 2015. Interview transcript below.
My Expressive Portraits Exhibition is enabling me to seek out opportunities to undertake Portrait Sittings with some impressive stars of stage, screen and TV. This has necessitated a fair amount of hopping back and forth across the Atlantic as I aim to bring a depth to the exhibition that would not be possible by staying on English turf only. I first wrote to impressive Director and compelling Actor, Andrew J Robinson, hoping to include him in a Los Angeles trip last September.
René Auberjonois has an instantly recognisable face which I believe becomes better and better with age. Star of stage and screen Auberjonois, has appeared in M.A.S.H, Star Trek Deep Space Nine and Boston Legal to name but a few titles. I wrote to René several months ago to arrange the sitting in Los Angeles, and to my wonderment, he agreed to sit for a portrait during my visit to LA a few weeks ago.
On 17th February a very rainy Los Angeles afternoon John braved the weather and sat for a portrait in Studio City.