René Auberjonois Portrait Sitting Los Angeles 2015, Rory Lewis Photographer
René Auberjonois has an instantly recognisable face which I believe becomes better and better with age. Star of stage and screen Auberjonois, has appeared in M.A.S.H, Star Trek Deep Space Nine and Boston Legal to name but a few titles. I wrote to René to arrange a sitting in Los Angeles, and to my wonderment, he agreed to sit for a portrait during my visit to LA a few weeks ago.
René boasts an incredible family tree being related to Napoleon himself, His mother, Laure Louise Napoléone Eugénie Caroline Murat (1913-1986), was a great-great-granddaughter of Joachim Murat, one of Napoleon’s marshals and King of Naples during the First French Empire, and his wife Caroline Bonaparte, Napoleon’s youngest sister.
René Auberjonois Portrait Sitting Los Angeles 2015, Rory Lewis Photographer
René Auberjonois Portrait Sitting Los Angeles 2015, Rory Lewis Photographer