Reggimento "Lancieri di Novara" (5º) Codroipo — London, Los Angeles, New York Photographer — Rory Lewis: Portrait & Headshot Photographer

📸 New York Headshot Special – Thursday 24th & Friday 25th April 2025

Reggimento "Lancieri di Novara" (5º) Codroipo

Reggimento "Lancieri di Novara" (5º) Codroipo

Colonello Reggimento "Lancieri di Novara" (5º)

Colonello Reggimento "Lancieri di Novara" (5º)

Soldati della Repubblica constitutes my second major military portrait project. Following on from Soldiery British Army Portraits, my aim to capture the modern face, tradition and history of the Esercito Italiano.

The 5th Cavalry "Lancieri di Novara" where the subjects of my final series of sittings, taking place on 5th March 2019 at their barracks in Codroipo.

The Regiment was created on December 24th, 1828, by decree of the King of Sardinia Carlo Felice, with the original name of Dragoni di Piemonte. The Lancieri di Novara continue to serve The Republic of Italy to this day and have distinguished themselves in many campaigns.

Reggimento "Lancieri di Novara" (5º) Codroipo Rory Lewis Photographer Italian Army Portraits

Reggimento "Lancieri di Novara" (5º) Codroipo Rory Lewis Photographer Italian Army Portraits