This recent portrait of Jordan Patrick Smith is part of my ongoing project, ChronoVisions: An Epochal Fusion, a series that brings the mysterious allure of the Chronovisor into the realm of modern photography. Inspired by an array of artistic icons, including Frank Herbert, Caravaggio, David Lynch, Gustave Dore, and Ribera, this project is an ambitious exploration of historical eras through the lens of contemporary portraiture.
In the dynamic worlds of PR and advertising, striking imagery is essential to captivate audiences and leave a lasting impression. As a PR professional or brand manager in cities like Los Angeles, New York, London, and Las Vegas, you understand the importance of visuals that tell a compelling story. Enter Rory Lewis's latest series, Selah, a collection of powerful portraits inspired by master artists Caravaggio, Ribera, and Gustave Doré. This series, featuring famous actors and intriguing faces offers a unique opportunity for brands to align with timeless artistry.