Sir Lindsay Hoyle The Speaker of the House of Commons Portrait Sitting Rory Lewis London Portrait Photographer
Sir Lindsay Hoyle is a British politician who has served as Speaker of the House of Commons since 2019 and as Member of Parliament (MP) for Chorley since 1997.
Inviting Mr Speaker to sit at Parliament a few weeks ago, the portraits will form the basis of a new project the details of which will be revealed soon!
Throughout my career I have been commissioned to photograph a great deal of Political Portraiture. From local councillors to MP’s, Members of the House of Lords and even Prime Ministers. On this occasion for the first time I was able capture portraits inside the historic House of Commons Chamber.
Sir Lindsay Hoyle The Speaker of the House of Commons Portrait Sitting Rory Lewis London Portrait Photographer
Sir Lindsay Hoyle The Speaker of the House of Commons Portrait Sitting Rory Lewis London Portrait Photographer