Craig Charles Portrait Sitting Rory Lewis Photographer 2015
Lister! “Sorry ‘i’m a Red Dwarf Fan”……. Craig Charles star of Coronation Street, Red Dwarf and Robot Wars, recently sat for a portrait session in Manchester. Craig was in need of new promotional material for his DJ and Radio Work. I am no stranger to working with Musicians, DJ”s and Talent. After a chat about the style of imagery Craig was looking to achieve. I set to work with a chiaroscuro portraiture lighting Setup.
It was a pleasure to work with Craig on the project, and from a short 45 minute sitting I was able to capture some amazing frames. Craig is about the enter the Jungle, In ‘I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here!‘ and I wish him the best of luck. If you are a Musician, DJ or a Talent in need of a good Photographer please keep me in mind. I run sessions across the UK from Liverpool, to Manchester, Leeds, Glasgow and London.
Craig Charles Portrait Sitting Rory Lewis Photographer 2015