Celebrating the Journey of 'Soldiery': A Heartfelt Thank You to Army&You Magazine

I am immensely grateful to Army&You magazine for featuring my latest work with the British Army in their esteemed publication. The journey of 'Soldiery' has been a profound odyssey, intertwining history, artistry, and the rich tapestry of the modern British Army. Over the span of two dedicated years, I crisscrossed the nation, visiting 26 diverse regiments, each with their own unique traditions, uniforms, and heritage.

From the storied landscapes of Fort George in Inverness to the bustling streets of London, Andover, and Aldershot, my lens captured the essence of the Army’s leaders and soldiers. The project was more than a visual exploration; it was a living history lesson, a testament to the evolving face of the British Army in the 21st century. Diversity emerged as a central theme, transcending borders as soldiers from Malawi, Zimbabwe, Canada, and Australia shared their unique stories.

Celebrating the Journey of 'Soldiery': A Heartfelt Thank You to Army&You Magazine

Celebrating the Journey of 'Soldiery': A Heartfelt Thank You to Army&You Magazine

As 'Soldiery' evolved, so did the narrative of the British Army. The project expanded to encapsulate the changing dynamics, focusing on the first women assuming combat roles. The portrait of Lieutenant General Dame Sharon Nesmith became a milestone, commemorating her historic journey from commanding a brigade in 2014 to becoming the first woman promoted to lieutenant general in 2022. In a recent commission, I added another chapter to my portfolio, capturing the retirement portrait of General Sir Mark Carleton-Smith. The image, joining the gallery of former Chiefs of the General Staff, symbolizes the historical legacy of military leadership.

Through my lens, I have not only documented faces but also the very soul of the British Army. Every scar, every line, and every mark tell a story, echoing the sentiments of heroism and responsibility ingrained in these regiments. The portraits aim not just for accuracy but for truth, drawing inspiration from the meticulous detail of George Dawe’s military paintings. 'Soldiery' is a celebration of the proud identity of each regiment, both past and present. It’s a visual narrative that captures the spirit of the British Army.

Celebrating the Journey of 'Soldiery': A Heartfelt Thank You to Army&You Magazine

Celebrating the Journey of 'Soldiery': A Heartfelt Thank You to Army&You Magazine

Through these portraits, I strive to create not just a collection but a timeless reflection of the soldiers who make history every day. In every corner of the nation, from the Yorkshire Dales to the heart of London, I have witnessed the faces of the British Army – a living, breathing testament to the enduring legacy of their service. It’s a privilege to be the storyteller, the chronicler, capturing the essence of the military in its full regalia, exuding the honor and dignity befitting their role. 'Soldiery' is more than a project; it’s a journey through time, a visual symphony of faces that will resonate as a historical record of the British Army in the early 21st century. Through my lens, I continue to weave the narrative of the soldiers who, in their diversity and unity, define the soul of the modern British Army.

A heartfelt thank you once again to Army&You magazine for showcasing my work. Their support and dedication to telling the real-life stories of army families are invaluable. Army&You is the only magazine of its kind, offering news, features, and exclusive stories from army families. It’s for everyone with a soldier in their life: spouses, partners, parents, grandparents, army reserve families, and friends of soldiers. It’s the Army Families Federation’s flagship publication, a vital channel of communication, a source of information, and a platform for voicing the concerns and interests of army families. Produced by AFF’s comms team at AFF Central Office and designed and published by TylerBale Communications, approximately 45,000 copies of each issue are distributed free to army families and subscribers worldwide every quarter, as well as to MOD and political policymakers and related organizations.

To find out more about my journey with 'Soldiery', visit rorylewis.studio/soldiery.