Brian Cox CBE Portrait Sitting (Rory Lewis Photographer) 2014
Brian Cox, CBE is a Scottish actor who initially gained recognition for his portrayal of King Lear with the Royal Shakespeare Company. As well as being a talented thespian, he has also made a solid name for himself in major Hollywood productions such as X-Men 2, Troy and Rise of the Planet of the Apes. He was also the first man to play Hannibal Lector on-screen, in the 1986 Michael Mann film, Manhunter.
I cannot begin to state the awe I felt when Brian Cox – even more so when he turned up for our London shoot on the back of a scooter. Having the star of my favourite episode of Hammer House of Horror, the Silent Scream, sitting and posing for me was such a treat – it really makes your job as a photographer that little bit easier when you work with an actor who can tell a whole story with just one look. He is such a funny and pleasant man who, at the same time, has such a commanding aura about him. I had an absolute blast working with him in what was a truly humbling experience.
Brian Cox CBE Portrait Sitting (Rory Lewis Photographer) 2014