Levar Burton Portrait Sitting Los Angeles Photographer Rory Lewis 2019
LeVar Burton is an American actor, presenter, director and author. He is best known for his role as Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge in Star Trek: The Next Generation, being the host of the long-running PBS children's series Reading Rainbow and the young Kunta Kinte in the 1977 award-winning ABC television miniseries Roots. He has also directed a number of television episodes for various iterations of Star Trek, among other programs.
Shooting at the West Hollywood Studio with LeVar gave me the chance to experiment with a series of interesting expressions and characters. The session lasting just over an hour, I was able to capture a portfolio of truly spontaneous and unique portraits.
Working between London, UK, New York City and Los Angeles, California. Rory Lewis Photographer Presents unique Portraiture using ‘direction’ and inventive ‘scenarios’. Rory easily encourages sitters to express themselves, creating natural, thought provoking portraits. Offering his services to a wide variety of clients from Royalty, to former Prime Minsters, Hollywood Stars and members of The Armed Forces.
Levar Burton Portrait Sitting Los Angeles Photographer Rory Lewis 2019