1st Battalion Royal Welsh Regiment (Rory Lewis Military Portrait Photographer London.
Based in Tidworth the 1st Battalion The Royal Welsh Regiment parade iconic ceremonial uniforms dating back to the days of Victoria, and the height of the British Empire. For the portraits, soldiers with ceremonial roles such as Colour Sergeants, and Pioneers, to the Goat Major (who took care of the very important Regimental Goat Llewellyn), were presented to the lens.
They have enjoyed a rich history going back 300 years. The Royal Welsh Fusiliers distinguished themselves in Yorktown, in the American Revolution., and fought bravely in the Crimean War. Soldiers of The Royal Welsh served in The Battle of Waterloo, and later in World War Two and The Korean conflict.
Soldiers of the 1st Battalion Royal Welsh Regiment (Rory Lewis Military Portrait Photographer London.
The Regiment’s ancestors have been made famous in the Michael Caine classic ‘Zulu’ , depicting the heroic and bloody battle of the Zulu Wars, The defence of Rorke’s Drift, among others less well known. The situation was rather like being on the ‘Zulu’ set, with the colours and uniforms lending themselves to both a series of wonderful portraits, and a group shot of a selection of the Regiment’s ceremonial troops.
Lt Ixer 1st Battalion Royal Welsh Regiment (Rory Lewis Military Portrait Photographer London.
Sgt Walters 1st Battalion Royal Welsh Regiment (Rory Lewis Military Portrait Photographer London.
Colour Sergeant Woodley 1st Battalion Royal Welsh Regiment (Rory Lewis Military Portrait Photographer London.