New York

Paul Barber Portrait Photoshoot

Paul Barber Portrait Photoshoot

When researching names to invite to sit for my Northerners Portrait ExhibitionI decided to invite Paul Barber to take part as an iconic Northern Actor. I was delighted at his acceptance and the Photoshoot took place this week at the London Studio.

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Lord Mayor of Liverpool Gary Millar

Lord Mayor of Liverpool Gary Millar

Delighted the new Lord Mayor Of Liverpool Gary Millar sat for a Portrait at the Liverpool Studio this week. I often find historical elements to Political Portraits, Photographing them in an almost Holbein Style.

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Sean Clancy E4 Portrait Photoshoot

Sean Clancy E4 Portrait Photoshoot

Late November last year I was commissioned by E4 to shoot Sean Clancy for a new Reality TV Show Desperate Scouse Wives. It was great fun shooting on set with the team. Looking forward to seeing how the images are received.

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Nikki Belle Editorial Portraits

Nikki Belle Editorial Portraits

Nikki Belle exceptionally talented a renown club singer both in the UK and Ibiza, was the subject of my latest Editorial Photoshoot. I had a chance to take a look at her latest music video Sex Shooter and I was very impressed. Check out the Editorial & Images Below.

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Matt Littler and Darren Jeffries, T4 Portraits

Matt Littler and Darren Jeffries, T4 Portraits

Matt Littler and Darren Jeffries found fame on Hollyoaks with long-term roles as Max Cunningham and Sam ‘OB’ O’Brien. After a decade on the Channel 4 soap, they started presenting work, including their own radio show on Preston-based Rock FM and TV shows on 4Music.

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